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One Book, One School, One Community

Continuing what was started last year, each student will be responsible for reading I Will Always Write Back: How One Letter Changed Two Lives this summer as part of our One Book, One School, One Community program.

The program requires each student to read the book before the start of the 2024-25 school year. We have developed a more streamlined, but also a more strategic, plan to implement the book into our school year.

We’ve also expanded the program to include One Community - as we invite parents, guardians, grandparents and siblings to read the book as well. This story will inspire you to look beyond your own life and wonder about the world at large and your place in it - a story everyone could benefit from.

It started as an assignment... Everyone in Caitlin's class wrote to an unknown student somewhere in a distant place.

Martin was lucky to even receive a pen-pal letter. There were only ten letters, and fifty kids in his class. But he was the top student, so he got the first one.

That letter was the beginning of a correspondence that spanned six years and changed two lives.

In this compelling dual memoir, Caitlin and Martin recount how they became best friends—and better people—through their long-distance exchange.

You can find the book on Amazon.

Class Specific

AP Language and Composition

Purchase and read Outliers by Malcolm Gladwell. Students will need a physical hard copy of the book at the start of the school year.

AP Literature and Composition

Purchase and read Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston. Students will need a physical hard copy of the book at the start of the school year.

AP Government

Choose a biography of an important political figure of the 20th or 21st century. Be prepared to give a brief presentation on the book to your classmates.

AP Calculus

If you are  taking AP Calculus next year, please stop by Mrs. Grai's room (S-20) to pick up your summer homework.

Honors Anatomy and Physiology

Students are to read selected chapters of The Body by Bill Bryson. The chapters are 1,3,14,18.  
Besides the reading, students should pick up their summer packet from Mrs. Ronzi. Everything is also posted on her class website.

Discover Lake Catholic

Discover yourself, your faith, your future, your purpose. Become a member of the Lake Catholic Family.
